Five Single Cement Pumps

Unit details: 


- Allison 4700 OFS transmission

- 500+ HP engine

- 225 HP hydraulic pony engine

- 2 x 3m3 displacement tanks with agitators

- Dedicated centrifugal pumps for mix water, recirculation and boost

- MSI Hybrid triplex pumps (3 units with 3.5" plungers and 1 unit with 4" plungers)

- pump rates as low as 16 L/min to 1.5 m3/min

- Full recording package that can be charted and printed for customer records

- 160 feet of 2" - 5000 psi hose (with the ability to run 2" 1502 iron to the well head)

Two Single Batch Mix Cement Pumps

This unit is great for all of your Coil support pumping needs as well as everything that a typical Cement/Acid pump can do


Unit Details


- 2006 Western Star

- Detroit Series 60 engine (515 HP)

- Allison 4700 OFS transmission

- MSI Triplex with 3.5" Plungers

- Able to pump at pressures up to 35 MPa

- 2 - 3m3 enclosed displacement tanks with augers

- 2 x 3 Load pump

- Full recording package that can be charted and printed for customer records

Bulk Transport

9 - Tractors

11 - 30 Tonne Pneumatic Bulk Trailers

1 - 14 Tonne Body Job Bulk Unit


These units are capable of hauling up to 30 metric tonnes of blended cement and are also able to haul three different blends of cement at one time

Two Portable Bulk Blending Facilities

Fully portable blending facilities that enable Charger to blend cement (up to 10 tonne batches) in the scale/blend tank and then transfer (box) blend to the blend tank for a more homogenous mix of the cement and required chemicals.  While the first part of the blend is in it's second blend phase, we can already start blending another blend in the scale/blend tank.  The product is then transferred into the bulk unit for transport to the location.  All chemicals are precisly measured and weighed to ensure the highest quality product is being delivered and pumped for our customers.  Scaled amounts of product will be printed onto the load ticket for verification prior to leaving the base as well as on location.

Lab Testing Facility

Our capabilities are, but not limited to, the following:

  • Cement blend quality control support, involving cement thickening time, blend characterization, rheological properties, compressive strength and free water evaluation.
  • Water quality analysis.
  • Well-specific cement blend development for custom applications including standard oilwell, thermal, or microfine cement squeezes, well abandonments, thixotropic applications, or areas where rapid-setting and expansive cements are required.
  • Spacer and preflush design for primary and remedial cementing applications.
  • Examination of wellbore returns or unknown fluids and solids (via x-ray, or other methods).
  •    Product research and development for all wellbore specific blend analysis and recommendations.

Our Mission

To focus on ensuring a strong foundation built with Solid People, Equipment & Technology allowing our team to exceed customer requirements in Safety, Environmental & Operational concerns. 

Contact Us

Charger Pumping Solutions Ltd.

2 Thevenaz Industrial Trail
Sylvan Lake, AB

T4S 2J5

Phone: 403.887.8744

Or use our contact form.

Meet Our Team

Charger Pumping Solutions employs only top notch professional supporting staff. With our team, you can rest assured that your project is in good hands.

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